Design Searching
Carrying out design searches is the first step in trying to ensure that your new design will not infringe any existing design registrations. London IP offer a range of design searching services to help protect your design rights at UK and International level.
Searches of the UK and EU (Community) design registers can be performed via UK Design Search and Community Design Search, where designs can be searched according to number, design, product and design classes. For administrative purposes designs are classified according to the Locarno classification system.
Need some help?
We know that conducting searches can be complicated and time-consuming, especially when you are not searching for a particular design number or designs registered in the name of a particular proprietor. With this in mind, we are happy to work with clients and assist with your search, offering advice on which avenues to explore and highlighting information that can help you make a decision about which specific rights and classes you may want to pursue.
If you’ve started design registration search and reached a dead end or would like some help with starting or speeding up the process, please contact us for a free consultation.
As intellectual property specialists, we offer a full range of design registration services and can assist you with individual elements or guide you through the full process, including how to deal with suspected infringements.