Qualified Patent Attorneys and Trademark Attorneys - London IP

Patent Attorneys and Trademark Attorneys London - At London IP all professional work is personally conducted by qualified patent attorneys and trademark attorneys. You can be assured that all professional work that you instruct us with is carried out by a qualified patent attorney or trademark attorney who will have direct contact with you throughout. 

The patent attorneys and trademark attorneys at London IP bring with them a wealth of experience and expertise in all sectors. Our patent attorneys are specialized in biochemical, mechanical and electrical engineering as well as software and business methods, and our trademark attorneys can assist you with all trademark matters from brand protection, through to acting in opposition cases, enforcement and litigation. 

Core Services

Our team of trademark lawyers at London IP can advise you on all aspects of trademark services from protecting your brand names and company logos in the UK and internationally to dealing with trademark assignments and infringement disputes.

Our patent attorneys help innovators identify, protect and exploit their intellectual property to maximize value. Often working to fixed fees, London IP trademark lawyers and patent attorneys can assist with:

If you want to protect a new product, a new method, or a new use for something then a patent application maybe right for you.
If you want to protect your logo, company name, or any sort of brand name then a trademark registration is probably the right thing for you.
If you want to protect the appearance of something, such as a 3D object or a 2D design then a design registration is probably right for you.
Other Rights
Original creations can be automatically protected by unregistered IP rights such as copyright and design rights, which are infringed by copying.

About London IP - Patent and Trademark Attorneys

David Warrilow - Founder, Chartered Patent & Trademark Attorney

London IP was founded by David Warrilow, Chartered Patent and Trademark Attorney.

The team now comprises trademark lawyers and patent attorneys from a wealth of backgrounds with many years of experience between them.

IP law is complicated, but our expert team of highly qualified trademark lawyers and patent attorneys will explain it to you in plain English so that you can make the right choices for you and your business.

We are regulated by IPReg, the professional regulator for Chartered patent and trademark attorneys, so you can be sure that you are getting the highest quality IP service.

Details of our professional team.